can start training your Siberian Husky puppy when it reaches the age of 8 - 10
weeks. Be sure that the puppy is at a good health and overall condition before
you start any excercise with it. At this time you can start to train the puppy
to get used to be tied by letting it be tied in the stakeout. At this early age
you can also start to train the puppy to get used to pull a light load by
letting it drag a rubbermat or a piece of wood. Be sure to make a soft and
comfortable puppy harness.
First of all, spend a conciderable lenght of time
getting your puppy used to wearing a collar and harness. You can find this very
useful later, when it´s time for the "real" hook up.
You can take your novice out for
a 2 - 3 km's run with some experienced, friendly and patient dogs at a slow
speed once the puppy reaches the age of 6 - 8 months. The distance and speed
should be increased gradually. At the beginning, make several stops on the way
to praise the puppy and asure it of the good job it´s doing. If necessary, water
the puppy during the stop.
There are lots of opinions on how to train
dogs, but there are a few guidelines which should always be followed:
The dog must have the right built and weight. I.e. it should be well angulated
(both, the front and hind legs)and must be in a good condition (should not be
too fat nor too thin).
2. The dog needs a proper diet and access to
plenty of fresh water.
3. Check feet of your dogs to see if there are
any damages.
Your duty as a musher is to pay attention to your dogs´
good condition and to motivate them and keep them happy and healthy.